Sunday, 7 September 2014

My Skin Care Saviours!

Hello! After going through months of changing my skin care routine I think I have finally found one that I love and have realised a change in my skin! Ho-ray!

Now, before I get started I just wanted to say that even though this worked for my skin it may not work for you because everybodys skin type is different! As I am 15 I do suffer with a few spots and some redness. My t-zone does get a little oil through out the day but apart from that my skin is combination/normal. So, the boring bit is over, lets get rocking! 

I cleanse my face using the Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish. I don't have to bore you about how fabulous this product is-  I have always come back to it! If you wear heavy eye make-up I would suggest that you get a special eye makeup remover because it doesn't always break it all down. That said, it removes the rest of my make-up, it smells really lovely(calming scent?!) and leaves my skin feeling clean and fresh! It also includes lots of natural ingredients! I just smooth it onto my face and remove it will a muslin cloth which I love because it gently exfoliates your face. If you don't have one you need to get one- there so good! I then splash my face with cold water to close all my pores. 

I  used to then use a toner but having ran out of my Liz Earle Instant Boost Skin Tonic I have never really purchased another one. My skin seems to be improving without it? So I just go straight to the very important stage of moisturising. I think it is so so important to get a good moisturiser to match your skin. Why? Because if you don't moisturise your skin will produce more oil which results in more spots. Moisturisers also helps add moisture back into your skin after washing it all away. I use the Simple Spotless Skin Anti-Blemish one. I love the way that it isn't to heavy on my skin so it does't block my pores. If you have acne I would not recommend this because I think it would be too light. For skin that always has those few spots I would defiantly recommend this though! Even though it doesn't get rid of all your spots (nothing can!) it does calm redness and prevents those pesky blemishes! It isn't strongly scented and it includes lots of 'good' stuff and no perfumes, like all Simple products

I then use the Simple Spotless Skin Spot Zapper on my spots. This really helps calm redness and prevent spots. It claims that it 'zaps spots in 4 hours' I wouldn't say that is true but it defiantly calms down the spot. It's very light on my skin, so like I said before if you do suffer with acne I don't think this is for you. But I am not a skin expert so don't quote me on that!!
Twice a week I exfoliate and use a face mask. I use the Liz Earle Gentle Face Exfoliator and the Sanctuary 5-minute thermal mask in between cleansing and moisturising. If you want to know more go check out my Pamper Essentials post because I have mentioned them there too.

That's it! I think the key is to keep it simple! Try to only put things on your skin that you would eat. I know that sounds weired and I wouldn't want to eat any of these products, but if I had to choose between a brand which contain lots of chemicals and simple/liz earle I would much prefer to eat simple/liz earle products! Do you get me? I don't know how you can ramble on a blog post but I think I may have just done! Shut up Polly! 

Aha! Hope you liked it!

Bye! X  

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

The Beauty Blogger Tag

Hello! I was thinking of doing the tmi tag but when the lovely Little Miss Wallflower nominated me to do the beauty blogger tag I thought I would do that instead as a mid-week post. 

1- Is your hair naturally curly or straight? | To be honest with you I have no clue what my hair is. One minute I wake up and its gone really curly and other times wavy and then straight. It's very confusing!

2- Do you dye it yourself or go to the salon? | Neither, I have never dyed my hair and I don't want to. 

3- Do you wear the same style every day or change it? | This is meaning hair styles, right? Hmm.. when I was younger I used to do loads of cool stuff with my hair but now its either in a pony tail, bun or mostly just naturally down. When its down I either pin my hair a quarter up or just pin a bit to the side- that is if I have time! 

4- Do you do your own manicure/pedicure or at a salon? | I can't even remember the last time I had a manicure and I have never had a pedicure either! I just stick with basic block colour which I do myself. If I was to have a manicure I thought get it done at a salon.

5- How often do you change your nail polish? | I go to a school which doesn't allow nail polish. During the summer holidays though it completely varies, it depends on how bothered i can change it and how much time i have.

6- Do you polish your toe nails in the winter or just in the summer? | Just summer but if I am going to a special occasion or a holiday in the winter than I will paint them. 

7- How long does it take to do your makeup? | No longer than 10-12 minutes. 

8- What do you do first? Face or eyes? | Face. Well, you may know, from the post I did about my current make-up that I like to avoid my eyes because they are so sensitive! For special occasions or days when my eyes aren't that sensitive though I would put some eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara on! 

9- Do you collect makeup or just buy what you need? | I have started a collection. But if I had to decide between something I needed and something I wanted for my collection then I would always buy the need thing first! Duhr! 

10-  How often do you wear false lashes? | Never, I would like to try lash extensions though one day. 

11- Do you where a full face of make-up everyday? | Does anyone? 

12- Do you where makeup when you are home alone or with family? | I don't where makeup if I am home alone or with my family at home. I do wear makeup when meeting extended family or just going out with my family. 

13- Will you leave the house without makeup? | No 

14- How many high-end make-up products do you have? | Umm.. I don't know? It would take many days to tidy through my 'beauty draw'. I am only 15 so I won't have a massive amount! 

15- Do you plan your OOTD the night before or while you are getting dressed? | If I am going to a big occasion or going on holiday than I do but for a normal day I just decide while I am getting dressed. For school days I have to wear uniform. 

16- How often do you change your handbag? | It varies but at the moment I have just purchased an expensive longchamp back pack so I will be sticking with that for a while! I love it!! 

17- What time do you wake up and go to sleep? | School- I would like to say i go to bed at 10pm but probably 11pm. My alarm is set for 6:40pm. No school or outing- 11:30pm and 9-11am. 

18- How often or when do you work out? | Umm.. I hike with my family a lot and sometimes play a bit of badminton/tennis/ping-pong in the garden and in our village. I don't have a set timetable! Oops! 

19- Left or right handed? | Right

20- How tall are you? |5ft 3

21- Do you speak any foreign languages? | I can not speak any language fluently but I can speak French and a bit of Spanish, Swedish and Welsh. 

22- How many pets do you have? | None, and never have. I would love guinea pigs or hens! 

23- How often are you on blogger? | Well I am obviously on either Saturday/Sunday or Wednesday because I publish my posts then and nearly always write them then as well. I check comments, e-mails and bloglovin' everyday on my phone. 

24- Do you read comments on blogs? | On my blog I read every single comment. On others I sometimes do or normally I would just scan through them.

25- Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts? | A mental note but if I know I won't be going shopping soon I will write it on my phone or in my note book. 

26- How did you come up with your blog name? | I was thinking of pollywood or pollgu but decided to go for pollywally because it rhymed, it was easy to remember and it was fun. 

27- What camera do you use for your photographs? | FinePixe J12

28- Do you have a phone? | Yes, iPhone 5

29- How often do you clean your house? | I clean my bedroom every week and our cleaner does most of the house. 

30- What's your favourite colour? | Sky blue

31- Do you swear? | Nope

32- What are you doing for the rest of your day? | Going to meet up with one of my dad's friends because she has just had a baby. Last minute summer holiday homework. 

I tag: You! And 2 of my favourite bloggers: Jenny and Alice 

Remember to let me know when you have done it so I can go and read it! I will be back on Saturday/Sunday with a skin care routine. Thank you! 

Bye! X 
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