Sunday, 24 August 2014

My Pamper Evening Essentials!

After receiving so many bath bombs and bubble bars from lush for my birthday I have fallen in love with pamper evenings! So I thought I would tell you all my favourite things to use for when I want some 'chill' time!

1- Bath Explosions- A bath is never complete without a bath bomb (etc) which makes your bath turn multicoloured! This one is called 'Pop in the Bath'. Like everything in lush, it smells divine and creates the most amazing bubbles too!

2- Exfoliator- While the bath water is running I like to cleanse my face and then exfoliate. I love this Liz Earl one because its very gentle but still gets rid of all the dead skin- it leaves your skin silky smooth!

 3- Face mask- After exfoliating I put a face mask on. The
Sanctuary Spa 5 minute thermal detox mask is really good for calming down blemishes and redness. A thermal mask heats up on your face so it can really get deep down in those pores and remove all impurities! It's also now on 3 for 2 at boots!! If you have a busy schedule I would defiantly recommend this because it gives your skin a 30 minute facial in just 5 minutes.

4- Candle- Lily flame candles are my favourite! Verbena is a great summery scent as it smells like lemons and limes!

5- Magazine- After buying Company because Zoella was on the front I haven't missed a copy!

6- Book- At the moment I am reading I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith. I have only just started reading this so I don't have a lot to say about it yet!

7- Phone/iPad- Depending on my mood I sometimes like to play games on my phone or tablet. My favourite at the moment is Godus.

8- Body wash- a classic

9- Fluffy Socks- I wear these all over the house! These are just from Primark because every pair of fluffy socks I buy have ripped. So when this pair rip I know I haven't spent that much money on them. These ones have seemed to have lasted longer than my accessorize ones too!

What are your essentials for a relaxing night in?

Friday, 22 August 2014

Liebster Award

Hello! I have just been kindly nominated by Unbreakable Teens for the Liebster Award. This is a tag for new bloggers with under 200 followers! It works by you answering 11 questions the previous blogger has asked you and then you asking 11 questions to another 11 bloggers and so on. I know, a lot of 11s!I thought this would be a great idea for you to get to know me better as I haven't been blogging for many days!

Unbreakable Teens' Questions for me
1- What is your favourite hobby?- Away from blogging, swimming and chilling with my family!

2-Do you have a crush?- Well that would be telling ;) 

3-Would you rather have hiccups for the rest of your life or feel like you need to sneeze but you can't?- Defiantly feeling like you need to sneeze but you can't. I absolutely hate hiccups!!

4- What is your dream career?- An actress or a model. lol

5- What is your age?- 15

6- Role model- Hmmm.. i seem to have so many but Cara Delevingne and my mum. Cara seems to be so confident and bubbly! 

7- Who and what inspires your blog?- Everyday life

8- Best foundation you have ever used?- I have never worn any foundation! Why? I'm scared and I don't like the feeling of too much makeup on my face. I just stick with primer, concealer, powder and bronzer!

9- UK or USA?- Does this mean where I live? I live in the UK but would defiantly love to live in the USA sometime!

10- Favourite bands?- 5SOS, Noisettes and Maroon 5

11- Most embracing time in your life? Well, there's be many...

My nominations-
1- Little Heart
2- The Daily Vogue
3- Pretty Smile
4- Sinead Green
5- peqpermint
6- Anyone else who would like to answer my questions, then you can! Just don't forget to tell me so I can check your blog out too!

The RuleS
  • Link back to the person who tagged you in your post
  • Answer every question
  • Tag 5-11 other bloggers
  • Create 11 questions for them to answer.

My Questions for you!
1- If you were an animal what would you be?

2- If you could have a tree in your garden which could grow whatever you wanted, what would that be?

3- What can't you leave the house without?

4- Dream career?

5- Favourite blogger and you tuber?

6- OTP?

7- How tall are you?

8- Favourite television show?

9- If you had to dye your hair a different colour and the world had run out of brown, blond and black dye, what colour would it be?

10- What is the product which you would least recommend?

11- Any fears? 

Be as creative as you like! I can't wait to see your answers!

Thank you again to Unbreakable Teens for the nominations. I loved answering your questions, it was like being on an interview! 

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

The world's best giant chocolate chunk cookies!

These cookies are so delicious so I thought, as my very first 'proper' blog post I would share them with you. So wash your hands, tie your hair back and let's get started!Whoop whoop! 

  • 200g 'softened' unsalted butter
  • 300g golden caster sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 325g self raising flour (if you don't have that just mix a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda and plain flour.
  • A splosh of milk/water
  • 200g of your favourite chocolate
  • Vanilla Essence/Extract
  • Big bowl
  • 2 baking trays (depending on the size you want your cookies)
  • Electric whisk
  • Baking paper

Preheat the oven to 200C/Gas mark 6.

Grease 2 baking trays or preferable cover with baking paper/tracing paper.

1. Mix the sugar and butter with an electric whisk.

2. Add the egg and vanilla essence and whizz.

3. Add the flour a little at a time and then whizz again.

4a. If your mixture is too dry and crumbling add a dash of milk or water. Make sure you only add a little at a time because you don't want it to become to wet.

4b. If your mixture is the wet just add a little more flour.

5. Break the chocolate into little pieces and mix into the dough with your hands. Make sure the chocolate is well distributed and you haven't ate it all!!

6. Drop about 8-10 rounded handfuls of the mixture onto the baking trays. (the smaller the cookie dough the more you make)

7. Put them in the oven for 10-12 minutes. The longer you leave them in the oven the more crispy they will be. If you take them out after 10 minutes they will be crispy on the inside and chewy in the middle.

8. Let them to cool on the baking tray for about 10-15 mins before moving them to a cooling rack to cool for a further 5-10 mins.

9. Tah dah! That's it! Take your apron off and enjoy!

TIP 1: To make this more into a dessert, rather than a snack, serve with ice cream or cream.

TIP 2: I always have a tub of bubbly hot water so I can wash my hands when they get a bit sticky.

I did not create this recipe and just changed the recipe a little from the Marks & Spencer's Easy Chocolate Book(I can't find the link but I am sure if you pop into a M&S you will see one!)

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Hello, Ciao, Bonjour and Hola

Hello! Welcome to my new blog!

My name is Polly and I am 15 years old. I have one brother and a very caring family but no pets. Even though I am hoping for a guinea pig or a bunny! I live in ''sunny'' Yorkshire and have blonde hair and greeney eyes.

As I am having a very busy year and year to come with exams and moving schools (etc.) this probably isn't the best time to start a blog. But I am! Hay ho! I thought that maybe this blog could act as a friend when I am feeling down. It will also persuade me to do something more productive rather than watching dance moms! I apologies for my wonky blog format and photos I am only getting to terms with it- I got my social media links in the side bar though which was a major achievement!!

I will be writing about beauty, baking, my thoughts, my loves, general thoughts and a few outfit posts here and there. Finally...

I hope you like it!

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