Sunday, 17 August 2014

Hello, Ciao, Bonjour and Hola

Hello! Welcome to my new blog!

My name is Polly and I am 15 years old. I have one brother and a very caring family but no pets. Even though I am hoping for a guinea pig or a bunny! I live in ''sunny'' Yorkshire and have blonde hair and greeney eyes.

As I am having a very busy year and year to come with exams and moving schools (etc.) this probably isn't the best time to start a blog. But I am! Hay ho! I thought that maybe this blog could act as a friend when I am feeling down. It will also persuade me to do something more productive rather than watching dance moms! I apologies for my wonky blog format and photos I am only getting to terms with it- I got my social media links in the side bar though which was a major achievement!!

I will be writing about beauty, baking, my thoughts, my loves, general thoughts and a few outfit posts here and there. Finally...

I hope you like it!

1 comment:

  1. OMG I love Dance Moms too! Abby Lee Miller is a Goddess!! I Look forward to reading your posts in the future xx


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