Friday, 22 August 2014

Liebster Award

Hello! I have just been kindly nominated by Unbreakable Teens for the Liebster Award. This is a tag for new bloggers with under 200 followers! It works by you answering 11 questions the previous blogger has asked you and then you asking 11 questions to another 11 bloggers and so on. I know, a lot of 11s!I thought this would be a great idea for you to get to know me better as I haven't been blogging for many days!

Unbreakable Teens' Questions for me
1- What is your favourite hobby?- Away from blogging, swimming and chilling with my family!

2-Do you have a crush?- Well that would be telling ;) 

3-Would you rather have hiccups for the rest of your life or feel like you need to sneeze but you can't?- Defiantly feeling like you need to sneeze but you can't. I absolutely hate hiccups!!

4- What is your dream career?- An actress or a model. lol

5- What is your age?- 15

6- Role model- Hmmm.. i seem to have so many but Cara Delevingne and my mum. Cara seems to be so confident and bubbly! 

7- Who and what inspires your blog?- Everyday life

8- Best foundation you have ever used?- I have never worn any foundation! Why? I'm scared and I don't like the feeling of too much makeup on my face. I just stick with primer, concealer, powder and bronzer!

9- UK or USA?- Does this mean where I live? I live in the UK but would defiantly love to live in the USA sometime!

10- Favourite bands?- 5SOS, Noisettes and Maroon 5

11- Most embracing time in your life? Well, there's be many...

My nominations-
1- Little Heart
2- The Daily Vogue
3- Pretty Smile
4- Sinead Green
5- peqpermint
6- Anyone else who would like to answer my questions, then you can! Just don't forget to tell me so I can check your blog out too!

The RuleS
  • Link back to the person who tagged you in your post
  • Answer every question
  • Tag 5-11 other bloggers
  • Create 11 questions for them to answer.

My Questions for you!
1- If you were an animal what would you be?

2- If you could have a tree in your garden which could grow whatever you wanted, what would that be?

3- What can't you leave the house without?

4- Dream career?

5- Favourite blogger and you tuber?

6- OTP?

7- How tall are you?

8- Favourite television show?

9- If you had to dye your hair a different colour and the world had run out of brown, blond and black dye, what colour would it be?

10- What is the product which you would least recommend?

11- Any fears? 

Be as creative as you like! I can't wait to see your answers!

Thank you again to Unbreakable Teens for the nominations. I loved answering your questions, it was like being on an interview! 

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